Jamesha is a name for man used in the United States. Do you want to know some statistics about this given name?

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Given Name: Jamesha

In this page you will have information about the name Jamesha as: frequency by state, evolution since 1900, other similar names, names that start the same and many more data.

Some info about Jamesha

Reverse NameAhsemaj
Vowelsa, e
Repeted Vowelsa
Consonantsh, j, m, s

Names related with Jamesha

Names that starts with Jam- as Jamesha

Names that ends with -sha as Jamesha

Evolution year by year for the name Jamesha

Graphic format since 1910

Table format since 1950

2013516 for each 10.000.000 people 1 for each 615.385 people
20091340 for each 10.000.000 people 1 for each 248.880 people
2008515 for each 10.000.000 people 1 for each 668.896 people
2007926 for each 10.000.000 people 1 for each 379.507 people
2006618 for each 10.000.000 people 1 for each 564.972 people
20051236 for each 10.000.000 people 1 for each 275.634 people
20043091 for each 10.000.000 people 1 for each 109.854 people
20032885 for each 10.000.000 people 1 for each 117.509 people
20022474 for each 10.000.000 people 1 for each 134.971 people
20014915 for each 1.000.000 people 1 for each 66.370 people
20003812 for each 1.000.000 people 1 for each 86.790 people
19999730 for each 1.000.000 people 1 for each 33.341 people
19987323 for each 1.000.000 people 1 for each 44.250 people
19979530 for each 1.000.000 people 1 for each 33.620 people
199611235 for each 1.000.000 people 1 for each 28.800 people
19959930 for each 1.000.000 people 1 for each 32.826 people
199412738 for each 1.000.000 people 1 for each 26.045 people
199310130 for each 1.000.000 people 1 for each 33.310 people
19925616 for each 1.000.000 people 1 for each 61.478 people
199111132 for each 1.000.000 people 1 for each 31.560 people
19906418 for each 1.000.000 people 1 for each 55.735 people
19892572 for each 10.000.000 people 1 for each 139.024 people
19882987 for each 10.000.000 people 1 for each 115.234 people
1987618 for each 10.000.000 people 1 for each 544.662 people
1986515 for each 10.000.000 people 1 for each 645.995 people
1985825 for each 10.000.000 people 1 for each 405.844 people
1984516 for each 10.000.000 people 1 for each 635.728 people
1983516 for each 10.000.000 people 1 for each 630.915 people

Frecuency of name Jamesha by State in 2017


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Content provided on this site is for entertainment or informational purposes only. The figures can be inaccurates.